Community Development Centre
is the grass root development organization in the state of Madhya Pradesh in India.
CDC has been completed skill development project with the support of FVTRS [Functional Vocational Training and Research Society] Bangalore. One year project has been successfully implemented in the tribal block Baihar of Balaghat district. Details about the project given in below.
Project Details
CACE [Collective Action for Community Empowerment ] project was implemented by CDC during April 2004 to Sept. 2008 in Baihar block of Balaghat district for empowerment of rural tribal women's through formation of SHG and small income generation activities. The project was supported by DFID India under PACS programme. The MC [Management Counsultant] DA [Development Alternatives] and PWC [Price Waterhouse Cooper Pvt.Ltd.] has been provided all technical and financial assistance to implement this project. The CACE project has been initiated all development activities in the project area, there are more than 70 SHG functioning and advocating different local issues. The project has made more than 1200 SHG women's functional literate
Project Details
A short term project supported by Cottonwood Foundation USA for ensuring livelihood through skill improvement of Traditional Honey Hunter. The project focusing also on biodiversity conservation and livelihood.
CDC has worked with JILA PANCHAYAT BALAGHAT on SGSY scheme for formation and management of SHG [Self Help Groups] of people living in BPL [Below Poverty Line]. We are working in BAIHAR and LALBURRA Blocks of Balaghat district. Today organization is actively involved with around 500 women SHG in three blocks of Balaghat district.
CDC is implementing a project in Buffer zone area of Kanha National Park for integration of livelihood and conservation. A three year project in being implement in BALGAON and LAPTI village with 50 house -holds. The project is supported by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India and coordinating agency is WWF India. The project period is Jan. 2009 to Dec. 2011